The average house price on GLENHAM DRIVE is £442,753
The most expensive house in the street is 2 GLENHAM DRIVE with an estimated value of £494,362
The cheapest house in the street is 3 GLENHAM DRIVE with an estimated value of £364,832
The house which was most recently sold was 3 GLENHAM DRIVE, this sold on 21 Sep 2020 for £305,000
The postcode for GLENHAM DRIVE is HU10 6SN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 GLENHAM DRIVE Semi-Detached £435,133 £249,995 9 Sep 2011
2 GLENHAM DRIVE Semi-Detached £494,362 £95,000 15 May 1997
3 GLENHAM DRIVE Detached £364,832 £305,000 21 Sep 2020
4 GLENHAM DRIVE Semi-Detached £445,698 £89,950 5 Nov 1997
5 GLENHAM DRIVE Detached £473,741 £210,000 17 Oct 2003